Review of delegation of duties

Every company is obliged to ensure compliance with all legal provisions in its operations (§ 130 Administrative Offences Act (OwiG)). 

This is usually done by delegating these statutory duties to executives and representatives. In everyday operations, the interaction between line managers (business unit managers, production managers, site managers) as well as between staff officers (representatives) is usually a complex task. If this delegation of duties is not regulated comprehensively or legally watertight, liability risks for management will be a factor to take into account.  

Our consultants check the company’s internal delegation guidelines and adapt them accordingly if necessary. We use AKV templates to represent the interaction of executives and representatives in the company to ensure a seamless delegation of duties in your company organisation.

The Haufe Regulation Manager can be used as a supplement. It provides the current environmental and occupational health and safety legislation to ensure that your company is familiar with the current statutory framework and the resulting duties and obligations.